Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Shri Ashta Lakshmi Stotram* ( श्री अष्टलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रं )

 Shri Ashta Lakshmi Stotram* ( श्री अष्टलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रं )


Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has many iconic manifestations. Goddess Lakshmi has eight different forms. This concept of Goddess Lakshmi in her eightfold form is referred to as the Ashta-Lakshmi.


The eight forms of Ashta-Lakshmi are believed to fulfill these human necessities and desires through their individual nature and manifestations.


The eight divine forms of Goddess Lakshmi or Ashta-Lakshmi comprises:


1. Aadi-Lakshmi (The Primeval Goddess) or Maha Lakshmi (The Great Goddess)

2. Dhana-Lakshmi or Aishwarya Lakshmi (The Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth)

3. Dhaanya-Lakshmi (Goddess of Food grains)

4. Gaja-Lakshmi (The Elephant Goddess)

5. Santana-Lakshmi (The Goddess of Progeny)

6. Veera-Lakshmi or Dhairya Lakshmi (The Goddess of Valor and Courage)

7. Vidya-Lakshmi (The Goddess of Knowledge)

8. Vijaya-Lakshmi or Jaya Lakshmi (The Goddess of Victory)

श्री अष्टलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम् ।।




सुमनसवन्दित सुन्दरि माधवि, चन्द्र सहोदरि हेममये ।।

मुनिगणमण्डित मोक्षप्रदायिनि, मञ्जुळभाषिणि वेदनुते ।।

पङ्कजवासिनि देवसुपूजित, सद्गुणवर्षिणि शान्तियुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, आदिलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।। १ ।।




अहिकलि कल्मषनाशिनि कामिनि, वैदिकरूपिणि वेदमये ।।

क्षीरसमुद्भव मङ्गलरूपिणि, मन्त्रनिवासिनि मन्त्रनुते ।।

मङ्गलदायिनि अम्बुजवासिनि, देवगणाश्रित पादयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धान्यलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।। २ ।।




जयवरवर्णिनि वैष्णवि भार्गवि, मन्त्रस्वरूपिणि मन्त्रमये ।।

सुरगणपूजित शीघ्रफलप्रद, ज्ञानविकासिनि शास्त्रनुते ।।

भवभयहारिणि पापविमोचनि, साधुजनाश्रित पादयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धैर्यलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।। ३ ।।




जयजय दुर्गतिनाशिनि कामिनि, सर्वफलप्रद शास्त्रमये ।।

रथगज तुरगपदादि समावृत, परिजनमण्डित लोकनुते ।।

हरिहर ब्रह्म सुपूजित सेवित, तापनिवारिणि पादयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, गजलक्ष्मि रूपेण पालय माम् ।। ४ ।।




अहिखग वाहिनि मोहिनि चक्रिणि, रागविवर्धिनि ज्ञानमये ।।

गुणगणवारिधि लोकहितैषिणि, स्वरसप्त भूषित गाननुते ।।

सकल सुरासुर देवमुनीश्वर, मानववन्दित पादयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, सन्तानलक्ष्मि त्वं पालय माम् ।। ५ ।।




जय कमलासनि सद्गतिदायिनि, ज्ञानविकासिनि गानमये ।।

अनुदिनमर्चित कुङ्कुमधूसर-भूषित वासित वाद्यनुते ।।

कनकधरास्तुति वैभव वन्दित, शङ्कर देशिक मान्य पदे ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विजयलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।। ६ ।।




प्रणत सुरेश्वरि भारति भार्गवि, शोकविनाशिनि रत्नमये ।।

मणिमयभूषित कर्णविभूषण, शान्तिसमावृत हास्यमुखे ।।

नवनिधिदायिनि कलिमलहारिणि, कामित फलप्रद हस्तयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विद्यालक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।। ७ ।।




धिमिधिमि धिंधिमि धिंधिमि धिंधिमि, दुन्दुभि नाद सुपूर्णमये ।।

घुमघुम घुंघुम घुंघुम घुंघुम, शङ्खनिनाद सुवाद्यनुते ।।

वेदपुराणेतिहास सुपूजित, वैदिकमार्ग प्रदर्शयुते ।।

जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धनलक्ष्मि रूपेण पालय माम् ।। ८ ।।


“Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Wealth is not only the money. Tradition and values of life is also wealth. Our family and progress is also wealth. Our belongings such as land, properties, animals, grains, etc as well as virtues like patience, persistence, purity etc in the form of a character are nothing but our wealth and so also glory or victory. Thus this eightfold Sri Lakshmi is known as Sri Ashta Lakshmi.


Mother Lakshmi is the source and provider of the following enumerated well-known sixteen types of wealth and many more. (1) Fame (2) Knowledge (3) Courage and Strength (4) Victory (5) Good Children (6) Valour (7) Gold and other gross properties (8) Grains in abundance (9) Happiness (10) Bliss (11) Intelligence (12) Beauty (13) Higher Aim, High Thinking and Higher Meditation too (14) Morality and Ethics (15) Good Health (16) Long Life. Let us glance upon the glory of mother Ashta Lakshmi’s individual nature and forms.


1. Adi Lakshmi: Mother Lakshmi resides with Lord Narayana in the Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Narayana. She is known as Ramaa, means bringing happiness to the mankind. She is also known as Indira (who holds lotus or purity in the hands or heart.) Divine Mother’s this form is normally seen serving Sri Narayana. Lord Narayana is omnipresent. Adi Lakshmi or Ramaa Lakshmi serves Sri Narayana is symbolic of her serving the whole creation. Though Sri Narayana is attended by innumerable devotees, still she personally loves to serve the Lord. Actually mother Adi Lakshmi and Narayana are not two different entities but one only. Many a place we see her form sitting in the lap of Sri Narayana.


2. Dhanya Lakshmi: Dhanya means grains. This includes all kind of purified food containing all essential vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, carbohytrade and so on. With the grace of mother Dhanya Lakshmi one gets all essential nutrients grains, fruits, vegetables and other foods.


3. Dhairya Lakshmi: This form of mother Lakshmi grants the boon of infinite courage and strength. Those, who are in tune with infinite inner power, are always bound to have victory. Those who worship mother Dhairya Lakshmi they live and lead a life with tremendous patience and inner stability.


4. Gaja Lakshmi: In the holy book of Srimad Bhagavata the story of the churning of the ocean by Gods and demons is explained in detail. Author, the Sage Vyasa writes that Lakshmi came out of the ocean during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan). So she is known as a daughter of the ocean. She came out of the ocean sitting on a full-bloomed lotus and also having lotus flowers in both hands with two elephants by her sides, holding a beautiful vessels filled with milk and pouring it over Sri Lakshmi. Many a time we see Sri Lakshmi standing in the lotus and elephants are pouring nectar over her. During the festival of the lamps or the Deepavali along with Sri Lakshmi the Ganapati or the Elephant God also gets worshipped; that signifies the protection from evils as well as abundant grace and blessings for additional prosperities!


5. Santan Lakshmi: In the family life, the children are the greatest treasure. Those who worship this particular form of Sri Lakshmi, known as a Santan Lakshmi, are bestowed with the grace of mother Lakshmi and have wealth in the form of desirable children with good health & long life.


6. Vijay Lakshmi: Vijay is victory. Vijay is to get success in all undertakings and all different facets of life. Some are strong physically but weak mentally while others are economically rich but poor in their attitude and cannot exert any influence. Vijay is to have all encompassing victory. Vijay is to rejoice glory of our real nature – Vijay is to conquer the lower nature. Vijay is the victory in external and internal wars and of course eternal wars! Hence those, with grace of mother Vijay Lakshmi, have victory everywhere, at all time, in all conditions. Victory to Vijay Lakshmi !!


7. Dhana Lakshmi: Dhana is wealth. But as per Rigved’s Purush Shukta Dhana is not only a wealth in coins and currency. Even Sun and moon, fire and stars, rains and nature, oceans and mountains, rivers and streams, all these are our wealth, so are the progeny, our inner will power, our character and our virtues. With the grace of mother Dhana Lakshmi we will get all these in abundance.

8. Vidya Lakshmi: Vidya is education. Education is not mere studies to receive the degrees and diplomas certificates from the educational institutes or universities.


1. Adhi Lakshmi (the primeval Lakshmi)


Sumanasa vandhitha , madhavi


Chandra sahodhari hemamaye,


Munigana manditha , moksha pradhayini ,


manjula bhashini , veda nuthe,


Pankaja vasini deva supoojitha


sadguna varshani , santhiyuthe,


Jaya jaya hey madhusoodhana kamini


Adhilakshmi sada palaya maam.



Victory and victory to Adhi lakshmi


Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who is worshipped by all good people,


Who is pretty and sister of the moon,,


Who looks as if she is made of gold,


Who is saluted by all groups of sages,


Who grants salvation,


Who talks sweet words,


Who is praised by Vedas,


Who lives on the Lotus flower,


Who is worshipped by all devas,


Who showers good qualities on people,


And who is the personification of peace,


Please protect me always.



2 Dhanya Lakshmi (the Lakshmi of the grains)


Ayio kali kalmasha nasini, kamini,


Vaidhika roopini, veda maye,Ksheera samudhbhava mangala roopini,


Manthra nivasini, manthranuthe,


Mangala dhayini, ambuja vasini,


deva ganarchitha padayuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Dhanyalakshmi sada palaya maam.



Victory and victory to Danyalakshmi


Oh darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who destroys bad effects of kali yuga,


Who is most desirable god,


Who is personification of Vedas,


Who is pervaded by the Vedas,


Who arose out of milk,


Who is the form of all that is good,


Who lives in the sacred chants,


Who lives on the lotus flower,


And whose feet is worshipped by devas,


Please protect me always



3.Dairya Lakshmi ( Lakshmi of courage)


Jaya vara varnani, vaishnavi,


Bhargavi, manthra swaroopini, manthra maye,


Suragana poojitha seegra phala pradha ,


Jnana vikasini, sasthranuthe,


Bhava bhaya harini, papa vimochini,


Sadu janarchitha pada yuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Dairyalakshmi sada palaya maam.



Victory and victory to Dairyalakshmi


Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who is described by victorious and blessed,


Who is the shakthi which came out of Vishnu,


Who is the daughter of sage Bhargava,


Whose form is that of sacred chants,


Who is pervaded by sacred chants,


Who is worshipped by all devas,


Who gives results fast,


Who improves knowledge,


Who is worshipped by shastras,


Who destroys fear ,


Who gives redemption from sins,


And whose feet is worshipped by holy people,


Who lives on the lotus flower,Please protect me always


4.Gaja Lakshmi (Lakshmi of the elephants)


Jaya jaya durgathi nasini kamini,


Sarva phala pradha sastra maye,


Rathha gaja thuraga padathi samavrutha,


Parijana manditha lokanuthe,


Harihara brahma supoojitha sevitha ,


Thapa nivarini pada yuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Gajalakshmi sada palaya maam.


Victory and victory to Gajalakshmi


Oh darling of the killer of Madhu,


Victory and victory to you ,


Who removes bad fate,


Who is desirable God,


Who is the personification of shastras,


Which bless one with all that is asked,


Who is surrounded by an army of elephants,


Chariots, horses and cavalry,


Who is worshipped and served by,


Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma,


And whose feet provides relief from suffering,


Please protect me always



5.Santhana Lakshmi ( The Lakshmi of Progeny)


Ayi kagha vahini, mohini, chakrini,


raga vivrdhni , jnanamaye,


Gunagana varidhi , loka hithaishini ,


Swara saptha bhooshitha gana nuthe,


Sakala surasura deva muneeswara ,


Manhava vandhitha padayuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Santhanaalakshmi sada palaya maam.




Victory and victory to Santhanalakshmi


Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who rides on the bird,


Who is an enchantress,


Who is the consort of he who holds the chakra,


Who pacifies emotions,


Who is pervaded by knowledge,Who is ocean of good qualities,


Who has her mind in the good of all the world,


Who is worshipped by the music of seven swaras,


And who is worshipped by all devas, asuras,


Sages and all humans,


Please protect me always.


6.Vijayalakshmi (Lakshmi of victory)


Jaya kamalasini , sadgathi dayini,


jnana vikasini ganamaye,


Anudina marchitha kumkuma dhoosara


bhooshitha vaasitha vadhyanuthe,


Kanakadhara sthuthi vaibhava


vanditha shankara desika manyapathe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Vijayalakshmi sada palaya maam.


Victory and victory to Vijayalakshmi


The darling of the killer of Madhu,


Victory to she who sits on the lotus,


Who blesses us with salvation,


Who spreads our knowledge,


Who is pervaded with music,


Who is coated with the saffron powder,


Which is daily used to worship her,


Who is worshipped by playing of musical instruments,


And who was pleased by the prayer,


Of the golden rain by the great Sankara,


Please protect me always.


7.Vidhya Lakshmi (Lakshmi of knowledge)


Pranatha sureswari , bharathi , bhargavi


shoka vinasini, rathna maye,


Mani maya bhooshitha karma vibhooshana,


Santhi samavrutha hasyamukhe,


Nava nidhi dhayini kalimala harini,


Kamitha phalapradha hasthayuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Vidhyalakshmi sada palaya maam.



Victory and victory to Vidhyalakshmi


Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who is the pleased goddess of devas,


Who is he goddess of Bharatha,Who is the daughter of sage Bhargava,


Who removes all sorrows,


Who is fully ornamented by precious stones,


Who wears several gem studded ornaments,


Whose ear is decorated,


Who is the abode of peace,


Who has a smiling face,


Who blesses us with nine types of wealth,


Who steals away bad effects of kali,


And whose hands blesses us,


For fulfillment of our wish,


Please protect me always


8.Dhana Lakshmi (Lakshmi of wealth)


Dhimidhimi dhindhimi dhindhimi dhindhimi,


dundubhi nada supoornamaye,


Ghumaghuma ghumaghuma ghumaghuma,


Sankha ninadha suvadhyanoothe,


Veda puranethihasa supoojitha,


Vaidhika marga pradarsayuthe,


Jaya jaya he madhusoodhana kamini


Danalakshmi sada palaya maam.



Victory and victory to Danalakshmi


Hey, darling of the killer of Madhu,


Who is fully complete with ,


Dimidimi sounds of the drum,


And the majestic sound of conch,


Gumguma, ghummkuma , gunguma,


Who is worshipped by Vedas and puranas,


And who shows the path of religious discipline,


Please protect me always




Ashta Lakshmi (Sanskrit: अष्टलक्ष्मी, "Eight Lakshmis") or Ashtalakshmi are a group of eight manifestations of Devi Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth. She presides over eight sources of wealth. "Wealth" in the context of Ashta-Lakshmi means prosperity, fertility, good fortune or good luck, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny and power.

The Ashta Lakshmi are always depicted and worshipped in a group in temples.


Adi Lakshmi

Adi Lakshmi or Maha Lakshmi ("First / Primeval Lakshmi" or "Great Lakshmi") is an ancient form of Lakshmi.

She is depicted as four-armed, carrying a lotus and a white flag, other two arms in Abhaya mudra and varada mudra. 'Adi' means source.Adi Laxmi is the divine principle as wealth that supports a seeker to reach at their source i.e.'atman' or consciousness.If one individual posseeses AdiLaxmi, they can effortlessly delve deep into dhyana and realize the state of absolute silence, bliss and peace. Without Adi Lakshmi a seeker fails to quieten their wavering and chattering mind .Out of all Ashta Lakshmis this particular aspect is responsible for furthering of spiritual wealth.


Dhana Lakshmi

Dhana Lakshmi ("Money Lakshmi"), is the goddess of wealth.

Goddess Dhana Lakshmi is Four-armed, in red garments, carries Sudarshana Chakra, Shankha, Kalasha (water pitcher with mango leaves and a coconut on it) or Amrita Kalasha (a pitcher containing Amrita – elixir of life), bow-arrow, a Lotus(flower) and an arm in abhaya mudra with gold coins falling from it.


Dhanya Lakshmi

Dhanya Lakshmi ("Grain Lakshmi") is the goddess of agricultural wealth.

She is depicted as eight-armed, in green garments, carrying two lotuses, gada (mace), paddy crop, sugarcane, bananas, and her two hands in abhaya mudra and varada mudra.Dhanya Laxmi is also the principle of wealth that provides the ability to consume or to indulge.If a person possesses Dhanya Laxmi, they will have the fortune to enjoy the worldly pleasures.

Gaja Lakshmi

Gaja Lakshmi ("Elephant Lakshmi") is the giver of animal wealth (such as cattle) or the giver of power of royalty, as interpreted by Swami Chidananda.

According to Hindu mythology, Gaja Lakshmi brought back the wealth lost by Indra (king of demi-gods) from the ocean.

Vasudha Narayanan interpreted the name as "one who is worshipped by elephants".

She is depicted as four-armed, in red garments, carrying two lotuses, other two arms in abhaya mudra and varada mudra, surrounded by two elephants bathing her with water pots.


Santana Lakshmi

Santana Lakshmi ("Progeny Lakshmi") is the goddess of bestowing offspring.

She is depicted as six-armed, carrying two kalashas (water pitcher with mango leaves and a coconut on it), sword, shield, a child on her lap, a hand in abhaya mudra and the other holding the child. Her sword and shield symbolises a mother's ability to even kill someone to save her own child . The child holds a lotus.


Veera/Dhairya Lakshmi

Veera Lakshmi ("Valourous Lakshmi") or Dhairya Lakshmi ("Courage Lakshmi") is the goddess who bestows valour during battles and courage plus strength for overcoming difficulties in life.

She is depicted as eight-armed, in red garments, carrying a chakra, shankh, bow, arrow, trishul (or sword), a bundle of palm leaf scriptures, other two hands in abhaya mudra and varada mudra. she is the one who took the avtar of Durga


Vijaya / Jaya Lakshmi

Vijaya Lakshmi or Jaya Lakshmi ("Victorious Lakshmi") is the goddess and the giver of victory, not only in battles but also for conquering hurdles in order to achieve success.

She is depicted as eight-armed, in red garments, carrying the chakra, shankh, sword, shield, lotus, pasha, other two hands in abhaya mudra and varada mudra.


Vidya Lakshmi

Vidya Lakshmi ("Knowledge Lakshmi") is the goddess and the bestower of knowledge of arts and sciences. She is dressed in a white saree and has a resemblance to the goddess Saraswati. She holds a book of vedas, a peacock feather as a pen, vard mudra and abhay mudra.

Additional Forms

In some Ashta Lakshmi lists, other forms of Lakshmi are included,

Aishwarya Lakshmi ("Prosperity Lakshmi") : Goddess of riches only form of Lakshmi Goddess which mounts horse. She generally replaces Vidya Lakshmi from the Astalakshmi list.

Saubhagya Lakshmi ("Giver of good Fortune") : Giver of prosperity in general.

Rajya Lakshmi ("Royal Lakshmi"): "She who blesses rulers (with power)"

Vara Lakshmi ("Boon Lakshmi"): "The goddess who bestows boons".

Ashtalakshmi Kovil / Ashta lakshmi Temple is one of the beautiful temples of Chennai.Its main deity is of Lord Perumal (Vishnu) and Godess Lekshmi. Another main fact of the temple is , it has deity of eight avatars oh Godess Lekshmi . It is located in sea-shores of Bay-of-Bengal in Besant Nagar Area of Chennai.

The consecration of the temple took place on 5 April 1976 in the presence of the 44th guru of the Ahobila Mutt Vedhantha Dhesika Yatheendhra Mahadhesikan Swami.
The Ashtalakshmi Kovil is a Hindu temple, which lies on the shorelines near the Elliot's beach, in Chennai, India. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi, and her eight primary forms – the Ashtalakshmi – the giver of all eight forms of wealth, namely, offspring, success, prosperity, wealth, courage, bravery, food, and knowledge. The sanctorums are depicted on a multi-tier complex in such a way that visitors could visit all the shrines without stepping over any of the sanctorums.

In 2012, the temple was renovated at a cost of ₹ 7 million. Another ₹ 1.6 million was spent on conducting the Jeernotharana Ashtabandana mahakumbhabhishekam, a Hindu ceremony. A total of 32 kalasams were newly laid in the temple, including a gold-plated 5.5-foot-high kalasam atop the sanctum sanctorum.



Kubera Ashta Lakshmi Mantra -


कुबेर अष्टा लक्ष्मी मंत्र- ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं श्रीं कुबेराय अष्ट-लक्ष्मी मम गृहे धनं पुरय पुरय नमः॥


ज्योतिषाचार्य पं. जनार्दन शुक्ला के अनुसार ऋषि विश्वामित्र के कठोर आदेश अनुसार लक्ष्मी साधना गोपनीय एवं दुर्लभ है तथा इसे गुप्त रखना चाहिए। ऐसा शास्त्रोक्त वर्णित है कि समुद्र-मंथन से पूर्व सभी देवता निर्धन और ऐश्वर्य विहीन हो गए थे तथा लक्ष्मी के प्रकट होने पर देवराज इंद्र ने महालक्ष्मी की स्तुति की, जिससे प्रसन्न होकर महालक्ष्मी ने देवराज इंद्र को वरदान दिया कि तुम्हारे द्वारा दिए गए द्वादशाक्षर मंत्र का जो व्यक्ति नियमित रूप से प्रतिदिन तीनों संध्याओं में भक्तिपूर्वक जप करेगा, वह कुबेर सदृश ऐश्वर्य युक्त हो जाएगा।´


ऐसा शास्त्रों में वर्णन आता है के महालक्ष्मी के आठ स्वरुप है। लक्ष्मी जी के ये आठ स्वरुप जीवन की आधारशिला है। इन आठों स्वरूपों में लक्ष्मी जी जीवन के आठ अलग-अलग वर्गों से जुड़ी हुई हैं। इन आठ लक्ष्मी की साधना करने से मानव जीवन सफल हो जाता है। अष्ट लक्ष्मी और उनके मूल बीज मंत्र इस प्रकार है।


1. श्री आदि लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन के प्रारंभ और आयु को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ श्रीं।।


2. श्री धान्य लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में धन और धान्य को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ श्रीं क्लीं।।


3. श्री धैर्य लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में आत्मबल और धैर्य को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं।।


4. श्री गज लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में स्वास्थ और बल को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं।।


5. श्री संतान लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में परिवार और संतान को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं।।


6. श्री विजय लक्ष्मी यां वीर लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में जीत और वर्चस्व को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ क्लीं ॐ।।


7. श्री विद्या लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में बुद्धि और ज्ञान को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ ऐं ॐ।।


8. श्री ऐश्वर्य लक्ष्मी - ये जीवन में प्रणय और भोग को संबोधित करती है तथा इनका मूल मंत्र है - ॐ श्रीं श्रीं।।


अष्ट लक्ष्मी साधना का उद्देश जीवन में धन के अभाव को मिटा देना है। इस साधना से भक्त कर्जे के चक्र्व्ह्यु से बहार आ जाता है। आयु में वृद्धि होती है। बुद्धि कुशाग्र होती है। परिवार में खुशाली आती है। समाज में सम्मान प्राप्त होता है। प्रणय और भोग का सुख मिलता है। व्यक्ति का स्वास्थ्य अच्छा होता है और जीवन में वैभव आता है।


अष्ट लक्ष्मी साधना विधि: शुक्रवार की रात तकरीबन 09:00 बजे से 10:30 बजे के बीच गुलाबी कपड़े पहने और गुलाबी आसान का प्रयोग करें। गुलाबी कपड़े पर श्रीयंत्र और अष्ट लक्ष्मी का चित्र स्थापित करें। किसी भी थाली में गाय के घी के 8 दीपक जलाएं। गुलाब की अगरबत्ती जलाएं। लाल फूलो की माला चढ़ाएं। मावे की बर्फी का भोग लगाएं। अष्टगंध से श्रीयंत्र और अष्ट लक्ष्मी के चित्र पर तिलक करें और कमलगट्टे हाथ में लेकर इस मंत्र का यथासंभव जाप करें।


मंत्र: ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं अष्टलक्ष्मीयै ह्रीं सिद्धये मम गृहे आगच्छागच्छ नमः स्वाहा।।


जाप पूरा होने के बाद आठों दीपक घर की आठ दिशाओं में लगा दें तथा कमलगट्टे घर की तिजोरी में स्थापित करें। इस उपाय से जीवन के आठों वर्गों में सफलता प्राप्त होगी।

Kubera Ashta-Lakshmi Mantra


ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं

श्रीं कुबेराय अष्ट-लक्ष्मी

मम गृहे धनं पुरय पुरय नमः॥



Om Hreem Shreem Kreem

Shreem Kuberaya Ashta-Lakshmi

Mama Grihe Dhanam

Puraya Puraya Namah॥


Shiva - Our Lord Shiva giving gold to Kuber & Lakshmi

Gomatha (Cow) Puja - Removes Poverty, Sins & Enemies🙏🙏🙏 Gho puja or divine ceremonies to the holy cow helps to remove poverty, gives health, wealth and comfort. Its benefits also include child for childless couple and removes the deadliest sins ever committed. It helps to repay debts and gives strength to overcome enemies. 

Govatsa Dwadashi


November 2020

Thursday / गुरूवार

Govatsa Dwadashi is celebrated one day before Dhanteras. On Govatsa Dwadashi day cows and calves are worshipped. The wheat products are given to cows and calves after worship. People who observe Govatsa Dwadashi abstain from eating any wheat and milk products during the day. Govatsa Dwadashi is also observed as Nandini Vrat. Nandini is divine cow in Hinduism.

In Maharashtra Govatsa Dwadashi is known as Vasu Baras and it is considered first day of Deepavali.


PUNGANUR COW-The Mother of all Cows

आंध्र प्रदेश स्थित तिरुपति बालाजी मंदिर में लड्डू का भोग चढ़ाने की परंपरा है। इसे श्रीवारी कहते हैं। मान्यता है कि बिना यह भोग चढ़ाए दर्शन पूरे नहीं होते। प्रति दिन करीब दो लाख लड्डुओं का भोग तिरुपति को चढ़ता है। विशेष बात यह है कि ये लड्डू केवल और केवल पुंगनूर प्रजाति की गाय के दूध से बने मावे से बनाए जाते हैं।

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